Kathryn Yateman  July 19, 2016

This article by Marilee Nelson really hits the nail on the head!!  I used to be a candle, scentsy junkie!  I also had a house cleaning business and used alot of chemicals.  Since I have quit using all of those toxic fragrances and chemicals I feel so much better!  I do not have the daily head issues, or sinus problems!  Now when I go into a house and they have there plug- ins on fully opened , I feel super congested and my chest is tight!  I will also feel like the air is thick and can’t breath! Sometimes start getting a headache!  I can not believe all these years…. Years ago , my daughter and I went to see a Ayurvedic Doctor (oldest form of Chinese medicine )  She said my daughter had Dioxin poisoning and to get rid of all of our candles, scentsy, potpourri etc.! I did,  but sadly we started adding them back really not getting the full realm of what she had said.  Now I get it ! Since I started getting great health benefits through Young Living and making switches to natural non -toxic products , I feel so much better!  Which made me want to learn more and to share this with other people! So when I saw  this amazing article I had to share it here so more people I hope will see it! Please feel free to comment or leave me any questions!  http://katscorneressentiallysimple.com

Fragrance Is The New Secondhand Smoke | Eliminate Synthetic Fragrance To Improve Your Health