Im telling you…

You have no idea what you are missing unitl you try this wonderful treat!

Here is the original recipe for the Lavender Rice Cream (dairy free) recipe that Young Living used to serve at the Mona Utah farm. It’s delish and feel free to experiment with different types of “milks”, sweeteners and Vitality oils! Have fun and enjoy! 😋😋😋

👇Comment below on your own creations!!


1 1/2 cups Filtered Water
1 1/2 cups Rice Milk (original, not sweetened)
1/2 cup Agave nectar
1 Tbsp pure vanilla extract
1-2 drops Lavender Vitality oil*
2-4 drops Lemon Vitality oil*

Combine and put into an ice cream maker OR put in container in freezer and stir it every 30-45 minutes until desired consistency.

* Young Living Essential Oils only. For grapefruit rice cream I put around 15 drops of Grapefruit Vitality oil. You can use any of the citrus vitality oils and feel free to experiment :^)

Image may contain: dessert and food