February 18th 2017

No more excuses!  Anybody can enjoy this recipe

What you see in the picture is the recipe!!! I told you anybody could make this!

I buy individual Salmon already on the plank with the lemon and the Rosemary sprig already sealed and frozen at my local Albertsons.  To give it that wonderful smokey flavor I squeeze one of the lemon slices in a little shot glass add 1 0r 2 drops of Young Living Black Pepper (2 is pretty potent!)and blend.  Then replace the lemon slice and sprinkle on your lemon/pepper sauce over your salmon piece! bake according to directions!  Done! It doesnt get any easier.  Grab a few of these planked salmon and save a cooked one for the next day’s lunch by wrapping the whole thing in some saran wrap so its ready for micro re-heating at the office!